Technology: .NET FRAMEWORK 2.0, ASP.NET 2.0, C# 2.0, AJAX, XML, XHTML 1.1CSS,IIS 6.0,ScriptingLanguages - JavaScript, VB Script Database - SQL Server 2005Testing Tools – QTP 9.2 , Dev Partner Web Services – Google API
Description: This web site is a hybrid of a social network site and a real estate listing site. Major functionalities of this site are as follows:
User Management: Simple and customizable registration form for the new user. Optional user account activation via email. Lost password retrieval via email. User password can be reset by administrator. User List Import in CSV/Excel
User Community:
Tell-a-Friend using notification system. User photo/logo in the registration info. Built-in Web forum (bulletin board).Send/receive internal message. Email notification when message is received.
Property/Business Listing:
Google Maps support. Regular and featured listings. Configurable listing prices and features via membership plans unlimited number of pictures per listing. Ability to add video file(s) to the listing. Number of pictures per listing defined by administrator. Listing auto expiration period defined by administrator Printable versions of each listing
Search (Home & Realtors):
Listing search within specified distance from a chosen location. Year range search. Price range search. Shortcuts to saved searches results .Saved listings feature for later review and comparison. Newest listings search. Sort search results by any database fields. Range, min/max, exact value search for numerical data. Completely customizable display of search results Simple and advanced search forms to choose from. Search by Listing ID and keywords.